How to "Mindset, Identify, and Journal" When You're Feeling Stuck

Mindset. Identify. Journal.

Or “MIJ”? Maybe not the catchiest acronym, but we’ll make it work!

These are the three simple components to my self care routine. From there, everything else falls into place.

When my mindset is focused on self-care, I always make healthier choices.

You see, our mindset is key to getting ourselves through our physical exercises. We so often think working out is just about the body, but did you know that your mind-body connection is what’s really important?

Here are some ways that we can so often let our mindset trip us up when exercising:

Do you get apprehensive about trying something new?

Are you worried you’ll “fail”? Does this bring you back to all the other times you tried something and it didn’t go as planned?

Do you feel nervous about physical activity after being let down by other exercise programs you’ve done in the past?

Understanding how to identify and work through those thoughts, or what we call “thought obstacles,” is what’s going to help you stick with your routine.

By setting this time aside just for you to think and process, you’re actually preparing yourself to begin a new way of exercising.

Stuck on how to identify your specific thought obstacles? Consider these two questions:

In the past, what has stopped me from consistently exercising?

What happens in my life that knocks me off my rhythm?

And you know the next logical step... journal!

Get cozy with a new notebook (or just a scrap of paper will do!) and write down what has come to mind. It’s from this place of stillness, we will sow the seeds of meaningful movement! Consider these questions:

What are my personal thought obstacles? What has gotten me “stuck” in the past?

What are ways I can work around them when they happen?

How can I prepare myself for these obstacles before they happen?

Physical exercise is SO much more than just waking up with your alarm and mindlessly going for a run. We’re not robots!

Especially for those of us who have been let down or disappointed in the past, struggling with a current flare-up or worried we may get one again’s all about preparation. And focusing on your mindset, identifying past triggers and obstacles, and taking the time to write these points down will give you the space and clarity to begin something new.

You can return to this practice as many times as you need, because the more you do, the more you’ll be in touch with what your mind-body connection is telling you.

At Autoimmune Strong, we dive deep into this and similar concepts, leading our members to build a sustainable practice that strengthens both their minds and bodies. We hope you’ll join us!


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