Five Steps to Combat Flare-ups and Fatigue This Holiday Season

The holiday season is quickly coming upon us!

The holiday season can be a time of constant flare-ups for those of us with autoimmune disease. The uptick in social gatherings, planned events, a crazy schedule, no time for exercise and the constant temptation of sugary snacks and unpredictable portions...can all lead to an unraveling of a foundational routine that we’ve built (or are in the process of building).

This has happened to me in years past, and I would always get anxious leading up to the holiday season for fear of letting myself down. So, how have I learned to maintain a grounded sense of routine and moderation for the holiday season?

I have five key action steps that I hope will resonate with you:

1. Journal every morning. 

I’ve learned to love asking myself questions like: What does my body need today? What activities do I need to complete so I can feel at peace at the end of the day? What time am I exercising?

Setting aside a bit of space to write intentions for myself, as well as ask myself honest questions, is the perfect morning reset. My journaling practice helps me tune into my body and figure out exactly what I need for the day to come.

2. Drink plenty of water. 

I find that staying hydrated throughout the day keeps the sugar cravings at bay. But I'm always considering how it effects my exercise too. Water helps lubricate our joints, replaces the water we lose when sweating, and does so many other wonderful things!

3. Choose and prepare nourishing, on-hand, foods. 

Speaking of cravings, by intentionally stocking my fridge (or packing to-go snacks if traveling) with healthy, fresh, and simple ingredients, I’m able to grab these items BEFORE reaching for something I may regret later.

The way I feel when I eat healthy also inspires me to keep up my fitness routine. Nourishing food = more momentum to show up!

Are the sugar cravings holding you back? Read this to learn how to beat those sugar cravings blues.

4. Set a bedtime and stick to it. 

Believe me, I could spend all night on Netflix watching “just one more!” episode of my favorite shows. But creating a non-negotiable time for sleep sets you up for the next morning’s non-negotiable time for exercise. Sometimes setting boundaries, even if they sound restrictive, are actually the guardrails we need to feel a true sense of space and peace.

5. Find time each day for just a BIT of exercise. 

Just like making sure I have access to healthy snacks and plenty of water throughout the day, keeping my exercise area and exercise clothes ready are little tricks I use to keep myself grounded. When I make exercise a habit that I actually cannot avoid, it becomes a part of my day without me even realizing it.

If you aren’t sure how to exercise in a way that works best for your body, don’t worry- Autoimmune Strong is here to support you with an exercise program that can help you feel great! Click here to learn more about Autoimmune Strong.


Journaling for Health (and Sanity!) During the Holidays


How to "Mindset, Identify, and Journal" When You're Feeling Stuck